About R Square


R Square is a well-known provider of talented R and data science professionals. Our knowledge of and focus on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology research means that we are highly skilled at providing the most qualified and high level expertise service in the pharmaceutical industry. We pride ourselves on our ability to create R technology solutions for each sponsor, with the goals of maximizing cost savings and improving productivity. We have professionals experienced in clinical research, software development, and data science to focus on clinical data management, statistics and R/statistical programming.  

Leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, device, CRO, and related organizations rely on our strength of talented R professionals for their outsourced projects and personnel requirements. Since the founding of our company, we have focused our energies exclusively on R, building a reputation of excellence among the leading R&D organizations. With an extensive network of talented and experienced R and data science professionals, R Square is capable of introducing the brightest and most experienced R professionals to companies seeking R and data science expertise.

We have been building an exceptional company that reflects our values and high standards of professionalism. We want to work with clients for a long-term "win-win" relationship. We want an environment of cooperation among our staff so our sponsors would have access to our entire network of talents and expertise.

We believed that by hiring and retaining outstanding professionals, our company would be able to establish and maintain strong relationships with sponsors regardless of the business cycle. We value our long-term professional relationship with our clients, and understand their changing priorities in the context of individual companies and industry trends.

Our mission is to help our sponsors in cost saving, improving productivity and maximizing returns in R&D investment through our R technology innovation, consistent, highest standard and exceptional customer-aligned services. Thus our sponsors can make decisions that are consistent with their expected returns, professional values, priorities, and goals.

With our constant efforts and highest quality of services, we have built mutually beneficial and trustworthy relations with many of our sponsors. We have experienced tremendous and double digit growth in revenue in the past years.

We take pride in the outstanding reputation our consultants have built. We look to the future with confidence and excitement, and trust that we will begin a mutually beneficial relationship and have the opportunity to prove our capabilities to you.

Let’s Work Together